TOL Briefs

Expert Legal Explainers


30-Min Interviews with the Titans of Law


The Law Explained through Video

About TalksOnLaw

TalksOnLaw or “TOL” is on a mission to help everyone better understand the law. While laws govern our lives, our jobs, and even our relationships, they are complicated and often misunderstood. TalksOnLaw is a trusted platform where legal experts can share their insight in a clear and accessible way — explaining the law through video.

We believe that open access to legal knowledge is empowering. Our mission is to make understanding the law easy and enjoyable. Dedication to this mission guides our day-to-day decisions and helps us to create a world where understanding the law isn’t just for the experts. Legal understanding is for everyone.

A Brief History of TalksOnLaw

TalksOnLaw TOL began in an effort to shake up continuing legal education (CLE) for lawyers. We wanted to transform a tedious obligation into an enjoyable and engaging experience. So we created TOL Talks — 30-min interviews with the titans of law. So if you’re a lawyer, click here for the best CLE you’ve ever seen.

But law isn’t just for lawyers, it’s for all of us. With the launch of TOL Briefs — legal explainers featuring lawyers, judges, and law professors, we expanded our mission to make understanding the law accessible to everyone. TOL Briefs clarify issues ranging from police power to financial regulations, from constitutional rights to new technology.

Welcome to TalksOnLaw.